ISSEM 2018: Valtice Baroque Night at Valtice Castle

July 12th, 7 pm
Valtice castle Valtice Baroque Night


Opening concert

Riding school
Musica Slovaca

Musical degustation from the 17th and 18th Slovakian collections

Solamente naturali

Pestrý zborník z Levoče

Johann Caspar Horn: Parergon musicum oder Musicalisches Neben- Wecrk (1663)

  • Allemande – Courante – Ballo – Sarabande
  • Intrada – Praembulum ex C Samuelis Marckfelner – Chorea Kozacky – Runda laetum in cornum – Chorea W. P. Stanislawa Lubomirskiego.

The collection of Uhrovec (1730)

Runda Regis: M 295
De Profundis M 345 – M298
Runda VII: Bujdosso – Hungaricus 5 – Hungarucus 14 – Hungaricus 49

The collection of Lubeník

Murky: Murqui laetante
Melancholy: Bez názvu (f 4) – Salt.Pol
Lusty: Polon – Hüner Geschrey

The collection of Anna Szirmay-Keczer

Srandy: C -17 – G-11 – C-19 – C-33
Pesničky: C-110 – Pribylina – Služila sem u Masara – Moga mila lastovička – B-14


Castle chapel

Carolus IV.

Rex et imperator

Schola Gregoriana Pragensis

I. King Charles and France
Cantio Plebs Domini (Lide Boží, raduj se zbožně v tento den…)
Alleluia Virga Iesse floruit (Výhonek Jišajův vykvetl…)
G. de Machaut: Dame je sui cilz qui vueil – Fins cuer doulz (Paní, jsem ten, kdo chce vytrvat…)
Sequentia Ave virgo singularis (Buď zdráva, panno jedinečná…)

II. King Charles and the relics – St. Wenceslas, Holy Lance, Holy Nails
Cantio Svatý Václave
Lectio de homilia beati Augustini (Kázání sv. Augustina)
Responsorium Vibrans miles (Voják napřáhl kopí a otevřel svatý chrám slávy Boží…)

III. King Charles and the University
Virelai Je languis (Chřadnu a hořce umírám…)
Cantio Rubus incombustibilis (Keř nesežehnutelný…)
Motetus Flos fit femine felix – Flos fundavit – Flos firmavit (Šťastný plod ženy …)



David Eben, Hasan El-Dunia, Marek Šulc, Stanislav Předota,
Ondřej Maňour, Michal Medek, Ondřej Holub, Ondřej Múčka




Little Stories of the Great Count

Living Large or Down Under the Skirts and High Above the Ground

Geisslers Hofcomoedianten

The great virtues and the little vices of Count Sporck shown in a street performance featuring stilts and living puppets. A trilogy based on a book of fictitious diaries of Count Sporck’s secretary Life on Kuks through the Eyes of Hofmeister Seeman written by Berta Laufrová.

Part 1 The Conceited Count
Part 2 The Peculiar Wedding of Count Sporck’s Daughter
Part 3 Count Sporck and the Black Neighbours


Petr Hašek

Helena Kebrtová

Jitka Nejedlá

Costume design:
Jitka Nejedlá a Kristýna Šrolová

Martin Bohadlo, Claudia Eftimiadisová, Petr Šmíd, Bartoloměj Veselý




Baroque theatre

Townsfolk on stage!

Frolicsome acts from the daily life of the baroque townsfolk

Chorea historica

Frolicsome sketches from the everyday life of Baroque townspeople embodied in music and dance (with a little commedia dell’arte) inspired by Gregorio Lambranzio’s Nuova e curiosa scuola de‘ balli theatrali – Neue und curieuse theatralische Tantz-Schul (1716). What happens when a drunk husband returns home and treads on the floor his wife has just cleaned? How did people play tennis in Baroque times? And what can a beautiful, but greedy young woman wheedle from a man? You will find all the answers (and much more) on stage!



Vladimír Kočí, Lukáš Klement, Petr Münch, Marek Pavlíček, Veronika Rozhonová,
Kamila Dürichová, Marie Čížková, Kateřina Klementová /  Irena Veselá



Riding school

Music and dance evening: Not only the King is dancing


Tickets are possible to buy on-line.